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Tom Hiddleston to Appear on the Graham Norton Show



My mortal clone, Tom Hiddleston, is to appear on the Graham Norton Show on October the 2nd 2015.

Sharing the sofa with him will be Thor director Sir Kenneth of Branagh, Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway.

The show will air on BBC1 at 22.55, on television boxes in the UK.

Episode 1 shows in the United States of Captain America on October the 3rd, so as this is episode two, I assume it shall show on television boxes there on October the 10th.

All other territories should check their local listings, and weep gently until they find a broadcaster.


Lego Loki

Lego Loki is an actor, film maker, and the author of Brick High-Rise. Follow him on twitter: @Loki_Lego

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