My Be-Nice-Athon in aid of Comic Relief.
On Red Nose Day 2013 I raised £70 for Comic Relief. I achieved this magnificent total by being nice to Thor for a WHOLE 7 HOURS. It was a terrible time, full of hugs & compliments… my skin crawls at the thought, but I am willing to go through this torture AGAIN!
On Friday the 13th, from 7pm – 2am I promise I will be nice! If you can, please donate, and I thank you for your generosity.
Your Privacy
I know that maintaining anonymity on the internet is important to many, and as a supervillain I understand your concerns. I would not like to make a donation to a charitable cause, only to find out that Iron Man has received the address of my secret lair….
I in no way have access to any of your private information.
I will not know your name, your address or any of your other details, as my donation page was created with an email address that does not exist.
Your details are not visible anywhere on my donation page, and as Comic Relief cannot email me, your name and address will remain completely private.
How to Donate
Visit this page:
Click the “Sponsor me” button.
Click one of the pre-chosen donation amounts on red, or enter your own amount. Any donation, no matter how small, is very important! Remember you are donating in UK Pounds.
If you are a UK tax payer you can tick the gift aid box. If you are from anywhere else on Midgard, you can ignore this part.
In this section you can leave me a message which will appear on my donation page. If you would like a name to appear with your message you can write it in here. This name can be anything of your choosing, from your real name to your twitter name. If you would prefer not to have a name appear with your message you can tick the box to remain anonymous.
Although it says in this section that I will know your name, I will not as the page is registered with a fictitious email address. Your privacy is very important to me.
Fill in your billing address. If you are outside the UK I would suggest using “Enter your address manually”
Choosing your payment method is the next step. I believe you can donate worldwide using paypal.
I thank you for your generosity and your kindness. Together we can make a difference to Midgard!