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Celebrating Halloween 2019

Halloween 2019

The name’s Brickman. Detective Ace Brickman. It was a cold, rainy night in New York City when a beautiful dame came to my office and asked me to solve the case of who put a spider in her toilet.

Halloween 2019

I stepped out into the city, where the rats played in the garbage pooled in the rain slicked streets, and the air smelled of 99 cent pizza slices. I begin the search for witnesses to the crime.

Halloween 2019

I went to meet the vampire broad on the rooftop. She always gives over information in return for a couple of smokes and few compliments. She said she knew a way to find out who put the spider in the toilet, so I followed her to a dive bar.

halloween 2019

In the dark, smoky back room of the dive bar the Vampire broad introduces me to her sisters. She says they can crack the case by scrying the future in their cauldron. They tell me to stay away from blue cubes. I leave. They know nothing.

Halloween 2019

I talk to stripe. He killed his brother Gizmo a few years back, and now he runs these streets. He knows everything that goes down on his turf, but he doesn’t know who put the spider in the toilet, or if he does know he won’t talk.

halloween 2019

Sometimes you have to give up a case when people are too scared to talk. And very wise they are too, for it was *I* who put the spider in the toilet…

halloween 2019

Lego Loki

Lego Loki is an actor, film maker, and the author of Brick High-Rise. Follow him on twitter: @Loki_Lego

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