Revealed for the first time, the glorious suit I shall wear when I attack the mortals of Stuttgart in the forthcoming game LEGO Marvel’s Avengers!
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LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
Due for release on January 26th 2016, LEGO Marvel Avengers is based on the Marvel films The Avengers, and Avengers: Age of Ultron, as well as Captain America: The First Avenger, Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The game will recreate your favourite battles and scenes from the movies in LEGO form, and I am particularly looking forward to repeatedly watching my favourite scene: Hulk punching Thor.
This is the second LEGO Marvel game, after the wonderful LEGO Marvel Superheroes, but unlike that game, which used voice actors for the majority of the characters, this will featured adapted versions of the voices originally used in the films themselves! There will also be new voice recordings from Clark Gregg, Cobie Smulders and Agent Carter herself, the wonderful Hayley Atwell.
The game will be available to play on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows. It will NOT be available to play on any device invented by Tony Stark, because Stark is an ill mannered oaf of the highest order and any Stark Pad compatible versions will be thrown from the Bifrost as soon as I find them.
Developed by TT Games and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, LEGO Marvel’s Avengers is a must play for all fans of Marvel movies and comic books.
For more information about this wonderful game, please click here.
You can also follow @LEGOMarvelGame on twitter for all the latest news.